A Runner's Thoughts: “We will be amazed how the greatness of God is revealed in littleness, how his beauty shines forth in the poor and simple.” (Pope Francis)
"Your expectations will not remain unfulfilled, your tears will be dried, your fears will be replaced by hope. For the Lord goes ahead of you, he walks before you. And, with him, life always begins anew." (Pope Francis)
A Runner's Thoughts:
“Hope” is the thing with feathers - That perches in the soul - And sings the tune without the words - And never stops - at all – (Emily Dickinson – First Stanza of her poem “Hope” is the thing with Feathers) A Runner's Thoughts: “St. Paul says that “the love of Christ compels us,” but this “compels us” can also be translated as “possesses us.” And so it is: love attracts us and sends us; it draws us in and gives us to others.” (Pope Francis)
A Runner’s Thoughts: “Every day is a good day, not only Good Friday. Every day is a holy day, not only Holy Thursday. Be holy and do good every day.” (Maisie A. Smikle)
A Runner’s Thoughts: As we enter these days of Triduum perhaps, we should take to heart these words from Pope Francis…
“But never forget that your life of prayer and contemplation must not be lived as a form of self-absorption; it must enlarge your heart to embrace all humanity, especially those who suffer. Through intercessory prayer, you play a fundamental role in the life of the Church. You pray and intercede for our many brothers and sisters who are prisoners, migrants, refugees, victims of persecution and violence. Your prayers of intercession embrace the many families experiencing difficulties, the unemployed, the poor, the sick, and those struggling with addiction, to mention just a few of the more urgent situations. You are like those who brought the paralytic to the Lord for healing (cf. Mk 2:2-12). Through your prayer, night and day, you bring before God the lives of so many of our brothers and sisters who for various reasons cannot come to him to experience his healing mercy, even as he patiently waits for them. By your prayers, you can heal the wounds of many.” (Pope Francis) A Runner’s Thoughts: “Judging others makes us blind, whereas love is illuminating. By judging others we blind ourselves to our own evil and to the grace which others are just as entitled to as we are.” (Dietrich Bonhoeffer)
A Runner's Thoughts: As we journey through life during this Holy Week let us remember that each moment of our journey can help us embark on a pilgrimage of the ordinary which often leads us to the extraordinary and sacred!
A Runner’s Thoughts: “You see things; and you say ‘why?’ But I dream things that never were; and I say, ‘why not?’” (George Bernard Shaw)
A Runner’s Thoughts: Breath is usually expressed in Greek as pneuma, which can also mean air, wind, or spirit. In Hebrew ruah is translated as breath, but it can also mean creative energy or life-giving force. As we live life let us have an awareness of our breath as spirit, as our capacity to bring God into our being as we take in oxygen into our lungs. If we see each breath this way, we will begin to allow our life to become prayer! (Adapted from Running the Spiritual Path by Roger Joslin)
A Runner’s Thoughts: “Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God's kindness: kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile.” (St. Teresa of Calcutta)
Fr. Paul R. Fagan, C.P. "Preacher on the Run!"A thought from time to time about Running and Life! Archives
November 2024
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